In September 1846,a German  astronomer, Johann Galle became the first to observe the planet Neptune. The eighth planet, Neptune is named for the roman god of sea. Neptune is about 30 times farther from the sun then planet Earth is. It is also large than our planet. sometimes Neptune’s orbit crosses that of Pluto.

Jesse Owens was born on September 12, 1913. He was an American athlete who was track and field events. One day while Jesse was in college, he broke three world records and tied another. All that happened in just 45 minutes! In 1936, Jesse competed at the Olympic Games in Berlin, Germany. He won four gold medals there. Jesse was awarded the medal of freedom by President Ford in 1976.

On September 7,1533, king Henry VIII and his wife Anne Boleyn, welcomed a daughter into the world twenty five years later that daughter was crowd Quean  Elizabeth of England. Elizabeth was a strong and admired quean. Her mother wasn’t so lucky. Not to long after Elizabeth’s birth king Henry grew tired of Anne Boleyn and accused her of cheating on him. Henry had her beheaded. Eleven  days later Henry married again.

National Football League (NFL) teams do a lot  to get ready for the new  football season that begins each fall. In April the league holds a draft where teams pick players. Over the summer the players practice and train. Starting in September, each team spends the next 17 weeks playing games. The season ends with the playoffs and championship game. Do you have a favorite football team you will watch this year?